Google Shared Contacts Manager  1.0
Semestral project for BI-ZNF
Google Shared Contacts API Client

This is a Nette based application that enables G Suite administrators to manage shared contacts under their G Suite domain.

This is semestral project for BI-ZNF subject.


PHP 7 or higher.


Make directories temp/ and log/ writable.

Use composer to install dependencies: composer install

It is CRITICAL that whole app/, log/ and temp/ directories are not accessible directly via a web browser. See security warning.


Tests are available in /tests directory and are built with Nette.

Unit Tests

Units test can be prepared without further preparation.

Integration Tests

Integration tests need to be performed after an user is authenticated.

Open the app in browser in Developer mode and authenticate with Google.

You will see you access token dumped in Tracy window.

Copy his token to test/Integration/ContactServiceTest.phpt and assign it to variable $accessToken of SimulatedSessionSection

You need to run the Integration test with valid php.ini file that enables cURL and OpenSSL.

Then you can run the Integration test (example: vendor/bin/tester tests/Integration -c C:/xampp/php/php.ini)